Data supported decision making

Valid for 30-days, all features included,
no credit card required!

Autobrief: One platform to organize and grow your business effectively.

Monitor and analyze your business performance and make informed decisions

Make informed decisions

This powerful tool allows you to monitor your sales revenue and expenses, and access related documents and invoices at your convenience from one place.

You can also quickly export your data for your accountant in just a few clicks. With the module's detailed overview of taxes and ROIs, you can make informed decisions that will drive your business forward. The module includes dashboards and reports, allowing you to view and analyze your data in real-time.

Make informed decisions

Why do businesses love AutoBrief?

AutoBrief has become a one-stop-shop for modern vehicle sales management, enabling our users to be more organized and grow their business. 

Klemen Prelec, SH Trade DE


“Seit ich AutoBrief verwende, hat sich die Arbeit für mich, meinen Administrator, den Vertriebsleiter und unseren Buchhaltungsdienst erheblich vereinfacht. Zuvor war unsere Arbeit über mehrere Programme, Anwendungen und Plattformen verstreut, aber jetzt haben wir alles unter einem Dach.”

Klemen Prelec, SH Trade

Klemen Prelec, SH Trade SLO


“Od kar uporabljam AutoBrief, sem zelo olajšal delo sebi, svoji administratorki, vodji prodaje in našemu računovodskemu servisu. Prej je bilo naše delo razpršeno na več programov, aplikacij in platform, sedaj pa imamo vse pod eno streho.”

Klemen Prelec, SH Trade

Ajla Zornić, Ates Mobile


“Jedna od vrlo, vrlo važnih značajki je da možeš poslovati s bilo kojeg mjesta. Upravo sam bila na moru, ali sam zahvaljujući AutoBriefu uspjela izdati račun izravno na telefonu.”

Ajla Zornić, Ates Mobile

Our partners and their view

Partner Integrations means combining two or more systems to make it easier for car dealers to use different technologies at the same time. We empower you to access everything you need for all daily operations in one single platform.


Modern, reliable and easy vehicle financing and insurance option

By integrating the financing module, in cooperation with NLB Lease&Go, we deliver a fast and easy way for you to fill out the client financing application forms.


Buy Now Pay Later financing option

Leanpay is a Buy Now Pay Later pioneer, offering a modern, fully-digital financing solution for consumers. Utilizing Leanpay through AutoBrief means pre-filled vehicle and customer data for at least 50% less work. Real-time credit status updates and automatic confirmation eliminate the need for separate searches and ensure timely financing processing.

Motive service Europe


Modern, reliable and easy vehicle financing and insurance option

By integrating MotiveService into AutoBrief platform, it becomes possible to automatically prefill the essential customer and vehicle information and provide a range of warranty products tailored to the vehicle's specifications.


Direct publishing and managing ads to

The partnership between AutoBrief and AMZS offers several advantages and benefits for car dealers. One of them is that with just a few clicks, dealers can prepare, publish and edit their entire inventory on the marketplace.

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